With everything that is currently going on I’m trying to stay as positive as possible and you can read about how in my previous post here. But another muscle that needs flexing at the moment is my creativity and whilst a camera in hand is usually the way I express it I’ve also been doing other things out of the ‘norm’ for me, so todays post is all about those. Of course I’m still taking photos but I’m not always reaching for my SLR and instead my phone to capture candid moments or things I want to remember from these crazy times. It’s also important to note that you may not currently feel creative at all right now and that is perfectly ok, I’m not constantly creating and its ok to give yourself a break.
First up creating a vision board, I created a digital one at the start of the year on photoshop and really enjoyed the process but this time round I created a physical one with a pinboard and old magazines. I collected anything that stood out to me and then spent some time rearranging them all together on the board before pinning them in place, its now sitting in my bedroom and is my daily reminder of hope and positivity for the future. I was really inspired by Jazmine’s vision boards and she’s done a wonderful post about them you should really check out too, will link here.
Next I have turned the clock back and I’ve been making bracelets! It’s so therapeutic! I’ve been sending them to friends to brighten their days. What started as a one off thing is now spiralling into ordering more and more supplies – perhaps a sideline business is on the horizon!
I also love taking part in the #instarainbowchallenge created by the colourful and amazing Natalie Wall and Zeena Shah they started this challenge and hashtag on instagram last month for you to embrace the colour in your wardrobe, each day themed around a different colour. Well this month the gals are back with an interiors version which started yesterday and of course I’m taking part. Currently trying to find something orange for todays photo! Its been a lovely way to be creative and I’ve loved looking at everyones entries too. So a massive shout out to both Nat and Zeena for creating something so bright and wonderfully positive!
Finally you may have seen on my instagram that we have a daily visitor in the garden, a little robin. He’s absolutely adorable and is getting more and more confident and cheeky as the days go on. We’ve had him eating out of our hands which allowed me to live my Snow White dreams! I’ve been documenting him daily in photos and videos and this has really challenged me in a good way as I’m not used to shooting with anything that moves fast. It has been really cool to play around with the slo-mo video option on my iPhone and then seeing how he moves in detail is quite incredible. It’s even stemmed into drawing the little chappy which is something I haven’t done for years so this felt like such a great creative release! You can follow along with my daily robin updates over on instagram and I’ve also added the stories to my highlights.
If I find any other ways to keep creative during this time I’ll be sure to update you. But remember it doesn’t matter if you’re not feeling creative, everyone is having good days and bad, just embrace any good and creative feelings when you have them.