Welcome to 2018! A week into the new year already, I’m really excited about the year ahead, I have lots of big ideas and plans that I hope to fulfill this year. But firstly I wanted to share with you some blog posts, articles and videos that I’ve read and watched this past week, about being positive in the year ahead or planning goals.
Bubbly Aquarius – New Year, New Me
The Little Plum – The ‘Give a shit list’
Shot From The Street – New Blog Updates
What Olivia Did – Looking ahead in 2018
Beauty Junkie London – Here’s to the OG blogger
Ropes of Holland – The Reset Series
Cone Accounting – How to set goals (and actually achieve them)
After a rather inspiring and thought provoking meeting today I feel ready to set myself some goals for the year ahead and write out a list of people and brands I’d love to work with. Today I thought I’d share just a few small personal goals I’d like to keep up with this year.
- Continuing to shoot more 35mm film and polaroids – I’m loving documenting my progress with my 35mm Diaries series here on the blog. I also treated myself to a new fuji mini instax which I’m loving experimenting with. I’m sure it won’t be long till a few shots appear on a new post too.
- Save Money – Being freelance certainly isn’t easy, the freedom it gives me is amazing and I’m so lucky to be in the position I’m in but I know saving money for a rainy day will always be something I’ll be glad I did when times get tough.
- Work and connect with new people/friends – I love how I’ve been able to meet amazing people through work and even instagram. I met one of my closet friends Meredith through instagram and that story of how our friendship began still kind of blows my mind! This year I want to continue to make the effort to meet and work with new creative people whether it be through work or instagram I do love meeting new people.
- Explore more of the UK – I’m lucky enough to live in London and I absolutely love the city, but having grown up in the countryside I am determined this year to explore and see more of the UK. I really want to visit the Scottish Highlands with Ollie, a trip we’ve been dreaming of for quite some time now. I’d also love to go to Ireland, Cornwall, Yorkshire Dales and the Cotswolds, just a few places to tick off the list aha.
- Continue bullet journalling – The only diary system I have ever kept to ever. I have been using a bullet journal system since Oct 2016 so I can’t see myself stopping anytime soon but with a new journal just started for the new year I’m enjoying experimenting with some new layouts.
It would be great to know if there’s anything you’d like to see here on my blog this year. Please leave me a comment below or drop me an email I’d love to hear from you. I’ll be continuing with my ‘Create & Inspire’ series next week and looking forward to interviewing and shooting with some more creative entrepreneurs very soon. Wishing you all the best for 2018 and here’s to making it the best year yet!
I love how colourful these photos are – so beautiful!
I’m trying to be better at saving money this year too as I’ve been pretty much been living from one paycheck to another, and it’s probably not very good for the long run. Sometimes it’s hard to see so far into the future though and remember why saving is important, especially when there’s so many things to spend your money on in London! xx
Laura // Middle of Adventure
Thank you so much Laura!
Yes its always handy to have some money saved for a rainy day, but yes very hard to do so in London 😉
Wishing you all the best for 2018! x