I can honestly say 2017 has sped by as the fastest year I have ever experienced and it was absolutely wonderful. I’m very chuffed to have been lucky enough to have a successful and enjoyable year. I personally love reading about people’s highlights from the year that’s past and I like putting these posts together too, it feels like a mere few weeks ago since I put last years together. So I really hope you enjoy this post, if you’ve created your own round up post from the year, please leave a comment below with a link so I can check out your posts.
During 2016 I got to travel a great deal for work as well as going on some memorable holidays. 2017 saw a step back from travelling not for lack of wanting to and endlessly dreaming of travels and adventures I’d like to make a reality. I did travel to Nice for the first time with the team from La Redoute to shoot a Summer Look book with three lovely ladies; Erica from The Edited, Lindsey from Ropes of Holland and Emily from Fashion Foie Gras. In October I also spent a girls weekend in Brussels which was lots of fun. I’m really hoping I’ll get to travel a lot more in 2018, there are lots of places I’d really love to tick off my bucket list next year.
2017 was full of changes, all for the better I might add. The biggest change of all was finally moving into London and having a place to call my own, which I am still over the moon about and I also now live with my boyfriend Ollie and our best mate Pete. I’m looking forward to seeing what new memories the flat will hold for us over the next 12 months.
Being freelance has taught me a lot, both professionally and personally. 2017 has seen me continue to work with some amazing people and brands as well as work with new ones. Forming new professional relationships with brands and people is a big highlight for me because looking back on the past year shows me how much I’ve achieved. From working with Tanya Burr, The Little Magpie, Isabella Thorsden, La Redoute, Miller Harris, Look Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Aspinal and most crazily Chanel! I’m very much looking forward to working with these brands and people over the next year and excited about what new clients could be on the horizon.
Shooting for Tanya Burr’s latest book ‘Tanya’s Christmas’ was a huge achievement for me this year and when I got my hands on a copy back in October it was amazing to see my work there in print inside such a beautiful and well curated book that I will be able to look back in for years to come. I also got to shoot two double page spreads for Look Mag, a fashion weekly mag here in the UK. These are both achievements I could have only dreamed of years ago when I set my heart on becoming a photographer.
I finally took the time to move my blog over to WordPress and it’s given me a new found love for blogging all over again. I just wish I’d done it sooner, along with a little layout freshen up thanks to the fabulous Phil and Pipdig.
I have managed to work on a personal photography project which I called ‘Create & Inspire’. Interviewing and shooting with creative entrepreneurs that have inspired me and I hope will inspire you too. I look forward to continuing this project throughout 2018 and have January’s feature lined up.
One of my goals for 2017 was to shoot more 35mm film, it may have taken me until around the end part of this year to start but I have finally got into more of a habit of carrying around my OM10 and am loving the results. I have been documenting them in my ’35mm diaries’ series. I definitely want to continue this throughout 2018 and also to shoot some more instant film. I may have made a cheeky purchase in the sales to help with that.
Another year has passed and I have still managed to stick to keeping a bullet journal. I think I may have mentioned this a few times already but this is the only journal system I have ever been able to stick to and I really enjoy sitting down on a Sunday and planning the week ahead.
This year also saw my little nephews change and learn so so much. I know I am biased but James and George are the sweetest little munchkins. From getting George to laugh and smile to seeing James experience and fall in love with the same things I loved as a child this year has made some unforgettable memories. I truly can’t wait to see how they learn and change over the next year.
So it’s time to say a farewell to 2017, you’ve been an absolute corker! And a big thank you to my family, Ollie and dearest friends who have supported me to no end this year and continue to fill me with encouragement. Also a massive thank you to all of you, thanks so much for continuing to follow along on the adventures and stories documented on my blog along with social media. Instagram is my favourite social channel to use and share on despite the changes implemented by the algorithm this year. However I will continue to post and hope you’ll follow along for the journey. Here’s to 2018 and making it the bestest year yet!