I have always loved receiving post, it was always such a special and novel thing to have arrive as a child, I remember getting postcards from friends on holiday and thought that they were just amazing. At one point I had a penpal in Japan and nothing could beat the feeling of receiving a letter from her, I was always overjoyed!
As an adult I don’t often receive post apart from bills or flyers so when a letter does come through the letterbox it feels extra special to know someone has taken the time to write to me. I’m a rather analogue person at heart, I love keeping a journal and being able to sit down and write a letter/note it’s a simple pleasure that I will continue to cherish especially with everything that’s going on in the world right now. As a photographer I could compare it to the feeling of holding a physical photograph or photo album in your hands as opposed to looking at photos on a screen via a phone or computer, it’s such a wonderful feeling to hold something so tangible in your hands.
So what better excuse to put a smile on a friends face than writing them a note they have no idea about, for it to arrive on their doorstep. The incredible team at Papier have been clubbing together to spread joy and positivity with their latest hashtag #positivepost and as soon as I saw it pop up on my instagram I knew I’d love to get involved. The perfect excuse to write some notes to friends and use my amazing notecards from Liv’s Papier collection. You know I’m a huge stationary lover; I haven’t managed to post here for over 6 months. My last post was on an event themed around stationary hosted by the amazing Martha Brook.
I hope I’ve inspired you to put pen to paper, it has felt so nice to put together and write this post after such a long time. I’m planning to have a new post published every Thursday from now on so I hope you’ll join me again next Thursday. I am planning to share some places I’d love to visit again once this isolation/lockdown is over. As always I really appriciate your feedback and if there’s anything you’d like to see from me, whether that be photography tips for shooting at home or lifestyle content, do get in touch and tell me your ideas.
Shop Papier items featured in the post (Contains affiliate links).