23 Today!

Today I turned 23 and thought I’d give you all a little round up of 23 things that I have learned this year.

1. Embrace being child-like, not childish. One of my favourite books I read this year was ‘Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast’ by Laura Jane Williams, who wrote about all the life lessons she learned from looking after children. So whether it’s running along the high street with my three year old nephew or wearing dungarees, I’m going to be embracing my inner child from now on.

2. Be kind. It’s so much more effort to be mean to people, just smile and be nice to others.

3. It’s who you know not what you know. I’ve known this for many years anyway by year upon year it surprises me how true this statement is.

4. Surround yourself with positive people.

5. Enjoy self indulgent days.

6. Be enthusiastic in all you do.

7. Keep a gratitude journal. Something I discussed with Charlotte from Betty Magazine during the summer this year and putting it into practice really has made a positive difference to my day. I’m still working on making this a daily habit but good things take time right?

8. Enjoy making last minute plans. Years ago this is something that would mildly panic me but now I revel in having last minute plans. Just last week I ended up heading to the O2 arena to see Gorillaz play after finding out my friend Mel had a spare ticket. After getting off the phone, I grabbed my coat and ran out of the door.

9. Keep on top of your accounts. Having to organise mountains of receipts and paper work isn’t fun for anyone. Planning ahead I’m going to make sure I keep my accounts in order moving forward.

10. Treasure the little moments. It isn’t always about the big events or celebrations throughout the year, sometimes arriving home to be asked shall we get a takeaway and binge watch a series on Netflix is absolute perfection.

11. It’s ok to not be ok. This is something I will elaborate on further in 2018 but the subject of mental health is one I hold very close to my heart.

12. Being freelance isn’t always easy but can be very rewarding.

13. Being in London has opened up so many more opportunities. Having finally moved into London this summer after commuting and staying and various loved ones houses throughout the years. I finally have a place in London to call my own and the novelty of being able to walk to shoots and meetings hasn’t worn off yet.

14. Never underestimate a good bolognese for dinner, it can work miracles. It is one of the only dishes I can cook well and will always be a staple in our household and can sure brighten a bad day.

15. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken – This quote from Oscar Wilde rings truer and truer with me year upon year. 

16. I really am Disney obsessive. I’ve probably watched more Disney movies this year than in my childhood years, thanks to my two little nephews (though I may just be using them as an excuse).

17. Never stop trying new things. A silly new thing I tried this year was hollandaise sauce and I seriously feel like I’ve been missing out all these years. Up until this year I didn’t think I liked the stuff, I must have had a bad experience as a child. But after our Valentines breakfast at The Wolseley my opinion was totally changed.

18. Giving up on the fact I’m not going to have another growth spurt and 5ft high is where I’ll stay. Luckily I have some fellow smaller style gurus to take inspiration from. I’m looking at you; Amy from The Little Magpie and Chloe from The Little Plum.

19. Comparing yourself to others will never make you feel good about yourself. Something I think we’re all too familiar with but I’m trying to do less and less of.

20. Puppy cuddles can fix almost anything, having a fluffy companion or being close to one really can make your days brighter and calmer.

21. The bullet journal system is truly a diary system I can stick too. I have never found a diary/journalling system that works for me and the bullet journal really does, I started my first back in October 2016 and haven’t looked back.

22. I will never learn from having a bad hangover 2017 may have been the year of fewest hangovers but guaranteed they will return and I will never learn, but here’s to always having a good time.

23. Laughing until your cheeks and stomach hurt will always be one of my favourite things!

In the spirit of being more child-like I’m off to celebrate my birthday at the Harry Potter Studio tour today and revel in the series that followed us throughout our childhood and will forever hold a special place in both our hearts. Here’s to a fabulous day and magical 23rd year ahead! Happy Tuesday to you all!



  1. December 12, 2017 / 4:55 pm

    Happy birthday! What a lovely list of things – I definitely agree that being a bit more in touch with your inner child is so important! I’d love to read that book by Laura Jane Williams, it sounds so inspiring & lovely! x

    Laura // Middle of Adventure

    • amber
      December 15, 2017 / 11:41 am

      Thanks so much Laura!
      Yes embracing your inner child is going to be a top priority for me form now on 🙂
      I couldn’t recommend the book enough, treat yourself for Christmas! x

  2. December 20, 2017 / 9:05 am

    I love this 23 things about me post. Looking forward to seeing what 2018 bring for you!
    Happy Birthday 🙂

    • amber
      December 22, 2017 / 5:02 pm

      Thank you! I’m very much looking forward to 2018 🙂

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