Petite Style with The Little Magpie

In today’s post I’m back shooting with my gorgeous friend Amy from ‘The Little Magpie’. I can’t wait to share with you the photos we’ve worked on together with The Dorchester. I always go to Amy’s blog when I’m looking for new style inspiration. As a fellow member of the 5ft high club I know that I can trust Amy’s style choices when wanting to branch out and try something that’s out of my comfort zone. I love the way she pairs pieces of an outfit together. I’m totally having an obsession with smaller handbags at the moment. They’re certainly not practical seeing as I have a camera surgically attached to my hands 24/7 but I just LOVE them!
I honestly can’t believe it’s the start of July at the end of this week. I have been working on so many new exciting projects, old projects/trips have taken a bit a back seat on this little blog of mine. I still have posts from Santorini and NYC to share with you all. I’d love to know if you like seeing these style of travel/exploring posts on here. I’m going to be making a conscious effort to be posting here more regularly. I am so grateful and whole-heartedly appreciate the feedback I receive on my posts and photographs. If there’s anything you’d like to see moving forward over the second part of this year I’d love to know.

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