Snippets of January

We’ve made it through January! Can I get a hurrah!! 2014 has started with a bang and as much as January is the bluest month of the year, I think I managed to keep a smile on my face throughout the majority of it. With it being the start of a new year and all I thought, I’d begin with a new monthly post with photos from my instagram account. If you’d like to follow me my username is @theurbanwolf. I don’t get to update this blog as much as I’d like during the week, so my instagram holds onto the daily snippets I like to share, from coffee; a serious weakness you’ll know already if you follow me and anything cute and fluffy! Along with any inspiration that catches my eye. I’d love to know what you think of this style post and whether you’d like to see it make an appearance next month too? Here’s to a joyous and hopefully not to chilly February. 



    • February 6, 2014 / 3:43 pm

      Thanks Queenie! Glad you liked the photos 🙂

  1. February 3, 2014 / 7:27 pm

    Since doing my blogging and insta round up, I have actually enjoyed each month much more then I thought I would at the end!
    Lovely photies xx

    • February 6, 2014 / 3:44 pm

      Yeah is such a nice way to look back over the month.
      Thanks Lovely! x

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