You may have seen from my instagram that I flew out to Nice with the wonderful team from La Redoute at the start of April, to shoot a Summer look book with the lovely Erica from The Edited, Lindsey from Ropes of Holland and Emily from Fashion Foie Gras. If we’re not friends over on instagram, then why the hell not?! I tend to update my instagram more than any other social media platform and I’m also trying to update my stories on a more regular basis too giving you guys a little insight into the behind the scenes of what I’m up to/shooting. I’d love it if you’d drop me a message on instagram if you’re a new follower from reading this post.
It was a whistle stop trip that’s left me itching to book tickets back to Nice and France’s southern coast as soon as humanly possible, I absolutely loved it. Having never been to Nice before it was amazing to explore somewhere totally new to me and capture some incredible locations. Luckily our incredible videographer for the trip Josh knew Nice and the surrounding area rather well so he also acted as our tour guide for the trip.
We shot the first few outfits for the look book in a small town just outside of Nice called Villefranche-sur-Mer which was insanely beautiful. Before driving into the port we stopped above the town and had an incredible viewpoint over Villefranche, it truly was breathtaking. I’m not sure I have ever seen the sea look quite as blue as that before, I was blown away by how beautiful it was.
This post focuses on the first six looks we shot all around Villefranche-sur-Mer. There were so many beautiful streets and the location choices were truly endless. Much to our surprise we also had the opportunity to go out on a boat to shoot Lindsey’s second look and all three of the ladies. It was such an exciting experience, I’m even smiling writing this now thinking back to it. It was a Monday morning and all of us declared it was the best Monday we’d ever had. You can shop each of their looks over on La Redoute and also make sure you check out each of their blogs for links to their exact pieces. I’ll leave their blog links below.
The Edited . Ropes of Holland . Fashion Foie Gras