Will You Be My Valentine?

I just wanted to share with you how I feel about valentines. As much as it's been commercialised for you to buy greeting cards and soft fluffy teddy bears. I think whether you're in a relationship with a loved one this valentines or spending it procrastinating alone. This valentines you should take the time to tell the ones you care about the most that you love them. Whether that be your best friend or sister, brother, parents, grandparents. It should be a celebrated event filled with joy reminiscing about all the wonderful things you and your loved ones have done together. 
I for one will be having a quiet one but that hasn't stopped me dreaming up the ideal valentines with a certain someone, would whisk me away to New York or Paris well, a girl can dream eh! I'm loving 'Bastille's' deluxe album, a firm favourite on my music playlist this month especially their cover of 'What would you do'. Another two favourite as these suitably gorgeous valentines shades of lipsticks, 'Mac' - Brave & 'Loreal' -  Creme de Rouge 461. How will you be spending your valentines?


    • February 15, 2014 / 4:18 pm

      Thanks so much Sophie 🙂

    • February 15, 2014 / 4:19 pm

      Happy Belated Valentines to you too Queenie. Yes Bastille are brilliant, also love all the mac products I have so not sure you can go wrong aha 😉 x

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