Change is inevitable, that is for certain. The last month has been full of changes and I’m so glad that I’m finally able to catch you lovely lot up on what’s been going on.
The biggest change you may have already noticed is the new layout of my blog. I also have a brand new domain I have now been blogging for over 6 years, which is crazy to think about, and I’ve always wanted to keep my blog fresh with new work and another avenue of personal outlet that isn’t my portfolio. Which is why I encourage you to also give me a follow on instagram if you don’t already as I like to share a mix of work related and personal photos on my account; @amberrosephoto.
Over the past few months I have felt a little lost for inspiration with blogging, a sort of creative block. It may have been because there has been lots of changes in my personal life. All for the better I should add. I finally have a flat in London to call home. I’m excited to be living with two of my best friends, obviously you guys will be familiar with my boyfriend Ollie 😉 and our best mate Pete. Its a big change and the novelty of walking to shoot locations or my favourite cafes is far from wearing off. We’re settling in well and I will be sure to share a few more interior style photos when I get the chance. I would love to know if you’d be interested in those style of posts? I really love looking at and buying bits and pieces for the home, perusing Pinterest was the first thing I did when we had the flat confirmed.
So with the next exciting chapter starting it felt only right to freshen up and change my blog too. It has always been an outlet for me to call my own and has changed along the years like I have. Making these changes has given me my creative buzz back. I am eager to start creating and sharing new content with you. I’ve finally made the jump from Blogger to WordPress with the help of the incredible Phil from Pipdig – that guy is a genius. I can’t thank Phil enough for making the transfer process so painless and stress free. If you’re considering moving platforms or are just in need of a new theme then check out the Pipdig website. I couldn’t recommend him enough, he was super helpful and has some killer themes. I can’t wait to see how WordPress can help me change how I put together my posts. So bear with me if there’s a few teething issues, be sure to let me know if you spot anything.
I am very excited to share these exciting changes with you and also wanted to thank you for your continued support of my work and blog. It means so much to me that you’re continuing to support me. Some of you lovely ladies that often comment have been supporting me from the beginning and let me tell you it hasn’t gone unnoticed, thank you so so much. I’m very glad to be feeling creative again and to be engaging in new experiences and documenting them. Here’s to new changes and a new chapter.
Ahhh I love it!! Good job Amber – Rose 🌹 xx