Back in Time

London is a city steeped in so much incredible history, and it’s amazing to stop and imagine what the city looked like decades ago. Well every now and again you can stumble upon a magical film set in the heart of the city that takes you back in time and gives you a sense of what it was like.

On this particular day Ollie and I had spent the afternoon with my family and took a scenic route home through the Strand and Covent Garden. We were met with a whole street lined with beautiful vintage cars, taxis and police cars. We couldn’t resist stopping by and taking some photos of them. I managed to stop a very kind gentleman who was driving one and shoot his portrait too (see below).

Soaking up the atmosphere a crowd of men dressed in suits, trilbys and overcoats appeared by the old routemaster buses and crossed the road into the theatre where I’m guessing they were filming. It was really unique and inspiring to witness this in such an old part of London. It was as if we’d be transported back in time for a moment. I’m so glad I managed to capture it all with my camera.

London you are a one of a kind city and I love being able to call you home. You never know what you’ll come across living in this city and that’s rather exciting isn’t it!



  1. September 7, 2017 / 1:45 pm

    Such beautiful pictures! I’ve lived in London for almost 5 years and I’ve never stumbled onto a film set – so sad! It must be like stepping back in time a bit. I especially looove that car in the last picture! x

    Laura // Middle of Adventure

    • amber
      September 10, 2017 / 12:46 pm

      Thanks so much Laura, really glad to hear you liked the post. The cars are amazing aren’t they!
      I’m sure you’ll come across a film set one day x

  2. November 3, 2017 / 4:29 pm

    wow incredible shots!

    • amber
      November 5, 2017 / 1:44 pm

      Thanks so much Ziwei 🙂

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